Happy to be part of this list and neighborhood: 1 La Calle de los Anticuarios, located at Calle 79B (79B Street) between Carrera Séptima (7th Avenue) and Carrera Novena (9th Avenue) is also a great choice if you want to do some shopping combined with sightseeing. However, the exciting and interesting thing about this street is the architecture (most of it is considered cultural heritage), which remains almost unchanged in the present. It hosts antique shops (this is how the street got its name) with numerous curious and cool things to buy. From lamps to furniture and bicycles, there are many interesting things you can find here. Ah, and if you want to enjoy a coffee in a wonderful atmosphere, head to Casa Santamaría (https://casasantamaria.co/) at Calle 79B # 7-38.1
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